Seasonal Storage for Outdoor Gear

Your outdoor gear offers a variety of ways to enjoy the great outdoors as you sleep under the stars, bike up mountains, and paddle across lakes and rivers. As the seasons change, it’s time to switch out summer sports and outdoor gear to make way for winter items.
Prestige Storage can help you shuffle seasonal items around without stressing. Along with storage for large campers, RVs, and Boats, Prestige Storage has room for other outdoor gear, including tents, bicycles, kayaks, and more!
How To Store a Tent
Tents can take up a lot of storage space at home. When the summer weather wanes, it can be beneficial to pack up tents and store them in a unit. Before tucking them in for the winter, be sure to follow these steps:
- Wipe any mud, dirt, or debris off of the fabric
- Before rolling it up and placing it in its container, make sure it’s completely dry. If moisture is present, mold can develop. You can lay the tent out in the sun or hang it on a clothesline to ensure there are no droplets
- Make sure you have all of the components (poles, rain-fly, tie-backs, etc.) and roll them up inside of the tent so that all of the pieces are in one place
- Give it some breathing room; there’s no need to tightly roll it. If the original bag it came in seems tight, use an oversized trash bag or pillowcase instead
Bicycle Storage
Some bicyclists choose to bike no matter the temperature. For those who prefer to bike during the warm months, a storage unit can be a big space saver, especially for apartment dwellers. Here are some steps to take for bicycle storage:
- Wipe off the bike so that it’s clean
- Lubricate the chain to make sure that it remains in good shape during its duration in storage
- A bike can simply be placed in a storage unit on the floor, but that can put excess pressure on the tires. Consider installing hooks or a bike if you’d prefer to keep it off the ground and out of the way.
- Hang the bike up on its frame as opposed to its tires or handlebars
- Choose a climate-controlled storage unit to avoid rust formation
Kayak Storage
Kayaks and canoes can offer some of the most fun adventures, but these vessels can be bulky and inconvenient when they need to be stored for a few months. Stowing kayaks and other watercraft in a storage unit until you’re ready to set sail again can be a great option.
When preparing to store your kayak for an extended time, be sure to do the following:
- Clean the kayak thoroughly. Eliminate any grime, dust, or residue
- Drain water and wipe off any droplets. Stagnant water can harm the kayak or allow mold to form
- Prop the kayak upright in a corner or install hooks or a rack so that its weight can be evenly distributed
- Use a Prestige Storage facility and rent a unit for kayak storage
Rent Seasonal Storage With Prestige Storage Today
Sports gear can be some of our favorite possessions, but these seasonal items can often be difficult to store during the offseason. Instead of stuffing kayaks, camping gear, and other sporting goods in your garage or closet, use one of Prestige Storage’s convenient storage units.
To get started, select one of our dozens of convenient locations where you can find seasonal storage for outdoor gear. Then, rent storage online by following the prompts. Need more information on our storage solutions? Contact us and our friendly staff will get back to you soon.